—— 翻译沙龙 ——


  • 发布时间:2024-03-15 10:31:00
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  • 文章来源:翻译中心
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In this changing and turbulent international environment, China will remain a staunch force for peace, stability and progress of the world.


The CPC is dedicated both to pursuing happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation and to promoting human progress and world harmony. That is our mission and our duty. It is also our aspiration and our goal.



The year 2023 not only witnessed pioneering efforts but also great harvests in China’s diplomacy. Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the Chinese foreign service fully implemented the guiding principles set forth at the 20th CPC National Congress. We took steps to promote international solidarity and cooperation, and offered solutions to crises and challenges. We contributed to world peace and development, and broke new ground in China’s diplomatic theory and practice.


We will be more confident and self-reliant in cultivating the features of China’s diplomacy. We will be more open and inclusive and conduct diplomacy with a broad vision. We will uphold fairness and justice, and further establish the ethos of China’s diplomacy. We will promote win-win cooperation, and stay true to the ideal of China’s diplomacy.



Russian natural gas is fueling numerous Chinese households, and Chinese-made automobiles are running on Russian roads. All this shows the strong resilience and broad prospects of China-Russia mutually beneficial cooperation.


Maintaining and growing the China-Russia relationship is a strategic choice by the two sides based on the fundamental interests of the two peoples. It is also what we must do to keep pace with the trend of the world.


China and Russia have forged a new paradigm of major-country relations that differs entirely from the obsolete Cold War approach. On the basis of non-alliance, non-confrontation and not targeting any third party, China and Russia strive for lasting good-neighborliness and friendship and seek to deepen their comprehensive strategic coordination.


In today’s world, hegemonism finds no support, and division leads nowhere. Major countries should not seek confrontation, and the Cold War should not be allowed to come back.



Our position is the three principles proposed by President Xi Jinping—mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation. They are a statement of the experiences and lessons of the 50-plus years of China-U.S. relations, and represent the right way for interactions between major countries. They should be observed and acted upon by both sides.


Mutual respect is the precondition, because interaction sustains only when differences in social and political systems are respected and acknowledged. Peaceful coexistence is the baseline, because conflict and confrontation between two major countries like China and the U.S. have unimaginable consequences. Win-win cooperation is the goal, because when working together, China and the U.S. can do great things conducive to the two countries and the world.


The challenge for the U.S. comes from itself, not from China. If the U.S. is obsessed with suppressing China, it will eventually harm itself.


We urge the U.S. to be clear-eyed about the trend of the times, view China’s development objectively and rationally, engage in exchanges with China proactively and pragmatically, and act to fulfill its commitments.



Labeling China as a partner, competitor and systemic rival at the same time is neither consistent with reality nor viable. On the contrary, it only caused distractions and created obstacles for China-EU relations. It’s like driving to a crossing and finding the red, yellow and green lights all on at the same time. How can you drive on?


In the context of China-EU relations, the two sides should be characterized rightly as partners. Cooperation should be the defining feature of the relationship, autonomy its key value, and win-win its future. We hope that China-EU relations will move ahead smoothly with green lights at every crossing.


A strong Europe is in the long-term interests of China. A strong China is also in the fundamental interests of Europe.


As long as China and Europe engage in mutually beneficial cooperation, no attempt to create bloc confrontation will succeed; as long as China and Europe stay committed to openness and win-win, deglobalization will not prevail.



China and its neighboring countries will always be there for each other, and Asia is our common home. Making it a better place is the shared hope of all countries in the region.


Since President Xi Jinping initiated our neighborhood diplomacy featuring amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness, we have stayed committed to forging friendship with our neighbors, to treating each other with sincerity, to pursuing mutual benefit, and to upholding openness and inclusiveness. We have worked with our neighbors to open up new prospects for good neighborliness and friendship, and have found the distinctive Asian way for getting along well with each other.


Although born in Asia, the five principles transcend differences in social system and ideology. They have become basic norms governing international relations and fundamental principles of international law, contributing the wisdom of the East to properly handling state-to-state relations.


China stands ready to work with our neighbors to carry forward the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence toward building a community with a shared future for Asia and for mankind, so that Asia can continue to contribute to world peace and provide impetus to global growth.



China and Africa are brothers treating each other with sincerity and sharing a common future. We have fought shoulder to shoulder against imperialism and colonialism. We have supported each other in pursuit of development. We have always stood for justice in a changing international landscape.


China will continue to stand firmly with our African brothers and supports an Africa that is truly independent in thinking and ideas. China will assist Africa in building capacity for self-driven development and support faster modernization in Africa.


We hope that, like China, all sides will pay greater attention to Africa and increase input to support Africa’s development.


The next meeting of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) will be held in China this autumn. Chinese and African leaders will gather in Beijing again after six years. I believe that through this summit, China and Africa will enhance their long-standing friendship and deepen unity and collaboration to open up new vistas for faster common development and start a new chapter for a China-Africa community with a shared future.



A stronger BRICS means growing force for peace and increasing international support for justice. It should not be seen as a challenge.


Independence is the distinct quality of the Global South and seeking strength through unity is its tradition. The Global South is no longer the “silent majority,” but a key force for reforming the international order and a source of hope as the world undergoes profound changes unseen in a century.


China was, is and will be a steadfast member of the Global South. We go through thick and thin and head toward a shared future together with countries of the South, and we are always a crucial force for the development and prosperity of the Global South.


This year will be a year of harvest for Global South cooperation, and a new starting point for unity among Asian, African and Latin American countries. China looks forward to continuing to promote unity and cooperation among developing countries to augment the strength of the South and to jointly create a shining “South moment” in global governance.



China’s stories are fascinating. They are first and foremost stories of the CPC. For over a century, the CPC has rallied and led the Chinese people in a tireless endeavor, blazing the Chinese path to modernization and creating development miracles unseen in human history. This is the leading theme of the stories about China.


China’s stories are essentially stories of the Chinese people. The people are the lead characters of China’s stories. Under the leadership of the CPC, the 1.4 billion-plus Chinese people have been working tenaciously and building happy lives with their own hard work. This is the most notable chapter in China’s stories.


China’s stories are also stories of common progress of China and the rest of the world. China keeps its development closely linked with that of other countries. Taking determined steps to reform and open up, China has grown stronger and brought benefits to the world. This is the most far-reaching part of China’s stories.


China’s stories speak to a truth: when countries proceed from their own national conditions to explore modernization paths, they will together make up a new, colorful vista of world modernization.


More foreign friends are welcome to join us in telling the stories of an energetic, bustling China and of China working hand in hand with other countries to build a community with a shared future for mankind.
