Europe——Győr-Moson-Sopron, Hungary

  • Source: 本站
  • 10/28/2014 12:30
  • 0
  • 149

Sister province since: October 2014


Győr-Moson-Sopron (referred to as Győr) is a county in northwestern Hungary, bordering Slovakia and Austria. It is located by Ikva Stream, a tributary of the Danube River. It covers an area of 4,089 square kilometers and has a population of 440,000. It was incorporated into Austria after the First World War and then into Hungary in 1921.

The region serves as a railway hub, the Hungarian-Austrian trade center, and a grape production center. Its major industries include automobiles, textiles, clothing, and food processing. Gothic architecture and Renaissance architecture can be found here, including churches, gate towers, towers and so on. The region hosts engineering colleges, forestry colleges and a museum named after famous musician Franz Liszt.Győr is the county seat and the sixth largest city in Hungary. It is also one of the five regional centers. Its economic strength is only next to Budapest, the capital of Hungary, and ranks second in the country. One of the main roads in Central Europe passes through the region. The top three companies in the country are Audi Hungaria Motor Kft., North Danube Power Supply Company and RÁBA Automotive Holding Plc.

Relations with Hubei

In June 2016, Hou Changan, then member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Hubei Provincial Committee and Secretary of the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, led a delegation to Hungary. In December 2016, Wuhan Office of the Hungarian National Trading House successfully held the Hungarian Day and Hungarian Product Promotion Conference in Wuhan where Hungarian specialties were shown to relevant institutions in Wuhan.

In May 2017, Erkenjiang Tulahong, then member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Hubei Provincial Committee and Director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Hubei Provincial Committee, visited Hungary and met with the Governor of Győr County and the Chairman of the Great Wall China-Hungary Friendship Association.

In May 2018, teachers and students of Hungary-China Bilingual School visited Wuhan, Yichang and Xianning, during which they had a first-hand experience of natural scenery in Hubei and the Jingchu culture. The visit deepened mutual understanding and friendship between people of Hubei and Hungary. In June 2018, Wang Yanling, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Hubei Provincial Committee and Director of the Publicity Department of the CPC Hubei Committee, led a cultural delegation to Hungary. The delegation put on exhibitions and performances of Hubei intangible cultural heritage in Budapest and held a Children’s painting exhibition titled Flying Dreams in Győr.

On June 7, 2022, the “One Step” Award Ceremony of Chinese-Hungarian Drawing Competition was held in Wuhan. This competition was jointly held by Hubei Province and Henan Province at the invitation of the government of Győr, which was designed to deepen friendship and strengthen friendly exchanges among young people. Since Hubei Province and Győr signed a friendly province/state cooperation agreement in 2014, youth exchanges have been the highlight of their cooperation. This competition provided a good opportunity for Chinese and Hungarian teenagers to enhance mutual understanding and develop friendship through mutual learning.

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